books on the history of fashion and design, etc.
Cover of Stÿl, February 1, 1937, via the IADDB.
Directory of digitized periodicals related to gardens and flowers, which includes __ titles from
19 countries, with approx. __ individual issues available, as well as 2 collections. All free to access as of when I listed them. Dates correspond to the issues available digitized. Feel free to send me things to add, and please let me know if a link is no longer functional.
Please make sure to credit the digitizing institution if using materials found here,
and check their policies for use before using for commercial purposes :-)
Gardening Books, Magazines, and Catalogs
Das Ideenmagazin für Liebhaber von Gärten, englischen Anlagen und Besitzer von Landgütern, 1796-1802, 1806. German magazine on garden design, with illustrations of architectural plans, furniture design, and garden follies.
Gardening Collections
A Short History of the Seed and Nursery Catalogue in Europe & the U.S., 1612-1960. Covers the development of the commercial seed catalog, as demonstrated through catalogs in the collection of Oregon State University.
Biodiversity Heritage Library. Massive digitized Smithsonian collection.
NYBG Mertz Digital Collections. From the library of the New York Botanical Gardens.