books on the history of fashion and design, etc.
La Femme, March 15, 1945. Image via Gallica, BnF
La Mode, 1926. By Mme Jégoudez.
Magasin des Modes Nouvelles, 1786-1789. French.
Journal des Luxus und der Moden, 1786, 1787-1812, 1813. German.
Journal de la Mode et du Goût, 1790. French. In the digital archive of Bunka Gakuen – it is found under the "18th century" section in the pull-down selection.
Journal für Fabrik, Manufaktur, Handlung, Kunst und Mode, 1791-1808, 1809-1811. German. Scroll down to choose year and then click on the book photograph to open gallery – illustrations start in 1794.
Gallery of Fashion, 1799-1800. English .
Journal des Dames et des Modes, 1799. French.
19th Century Women’s Magazines
American, English, French, and German.
Journal des Dames et des Modes, 1800-1839. French.
Journal für Literatur, Kunst, Luxus und Mode, 1814-1826. Continuation of the earlier Journal des Luxus und der Moden.
Le Bon Genre, 1827. French. Caricatures of fashion and society.
La Mode, 1829-1854. French.
R. Ackermann's Repository of Fashions, 1829. English.
The World of Fashion and Continental Feuilletons, 1824-1885. English.
Godey's Lady's Book, 1830-1895. American.
The Magazine of the Beau Monde, 1831-1846.
The Ladies' Penny Gazette; Or, Mirror of Fashion, and Miscellany of Instruction and Amusement, 1833.
Le Journal des Coiffeurs, 1836-1874. French.
Journal des Demoiselles, 1836-1901. French.
The Ladies' Gazette of Fashion, 1838-1899. English.
The Ladies' Cabinet of Fashion, Music & Romance, 1839-1847. English.
La Sylphide, 1839-1873. French.
The London and Paris Ladies' Magazine of Fashion, 1841-1885.
Peterson's Magazine. 1848-1876. American women's magazine.
Cendrillon, 1850-1851. French magazine of women's work titled "Cinderella". Has fashion plates and patterns.
Le Conseiller des Dames, 1850-1851. French.
Le Moniteur de la Mode, 1851-1852. French.
Mme Demorest's Quarterly Report and Mirror of Fashions, 1860. American.
La Petite Feuille des Dames, 1866-1867. French.
Le Monde Élégant, or, The World of Fashion, 1866, 1867-1868, 1869-1870, 1871-1872, 1873-1874, 1875-1876, 1877-1878, 1881-1882. Published in London and New York. Excellent resource for fashion plates.
La Mode Illustrée, 1869. Also, digitized patterns from the magazine, 1860-1920. French.
Harper's Bazaar, 1869-1900. Digitized by Cornell. American.
The Milliner, Dressmaker and Warehouseman's Gazette, 1870-1871. English. Trade journal for milliners, dressmakers, and sellers of ready-to-wear clothing.
Grands Magasins du Louvre, 1872-1911. French. Catalog for the Parisian department store.
The Month's Dress and Fashion, 1872-1873. English.
La Haute Nouveauté des Modes Parisiennes, 1873 & 1874. French. Magazine with fashion plates, digitized by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich.
Revue de la Mode, 1874-1885. French weekly fashion paper with illustrations and fashion plates.
Journal des Demoiselles et Petit Courrier des Dames, 1881-1892. French. Merged edition of the two papers. Separate album editions of the journal from 1893-1892 available here.
The Domestic Monthly: An Illustrated Magazine of Fashion, Literature, and the Domestic Arts, 1885. American.
Mode Charme, 1890-1891. Illustrated French fashion paper.
Dry Goods Review, 1891-1922. Toronto-based ready-to-wear trade journal.
Fashions of To-day, May-Oct 1892. London-based English edition of the French fashion magazine La Mode Practique.
La Grande Dame, 1893. Short-lived French magazine of fashion and culture. Lots of great illustrations.
The American Jewess, 1895-1899. New York-based monthly magazine marketed towards Jewish women, with content on everyday life, fashion, and matters of faith.
20th Century Women’s Magazines
American, Canadian, and French.
Tissus et Nouveautés, 1900-1913. Canadian, written in French. Montreal-based textile and fashion trade publication.
Femina, 1901-1916, 1922-1954. French.
Les Modes, 1901-1937. French.
Mode et Beauté, 1901-1903. French.
Mode-Palace: Album Mensuel des Dernières Créations Parisiennes, 1901-1909. French.
The Illustrated Milliner, 1902-1922. American.
La Mode Practique, 1902-1910. French. Click on the magazine image to open a PDF of each issue.
Le Figaro-Modes, 1903-1906. French.
The Designer, December 1905-May 1906. American.
Les Parisiennes, 1906-1916. Despite the name, this one's an American fashion trade publication that featured fashion plates and patterns.
Album de Blouses, 1908-1933. French, with text in German and English. Illustrated profusely.
Woman’s Home Companion, 1908-1924. American.
Gazette du Bon Ton: 1910s & 1920s super high end French fashion magazine, published in limited editions. Beautiful prints in pochoir by artists like Georges Lepape. Here are copies digitized by Gallica, and copies digitized by the Smithsonian.
McCall’s, 1911-1923. American.
Élégances Féminines: Revue Mensuelle de la Grande Couture, 1911-1914. French.
Jardin des Modes Nouvelles, 1912-1914.
Journal des Dames et des Modes, revival, 1912-1914. French.
Modes et Manières d'aujourd'hui, 1912-1920. French.
Redbook, 1912-1923. American.
Vanity Fair, 1913-1924. American.
American Cloak and Suit Review, July-September 1915, October-December 1915, January-March 1916, October-December 1917, October-December 1918, April-June 1919, January-June 1922. Trade paper for the women's ready-to-wear industry.
La Femme de France, 1915-1938. French.
Le Style Parisien, 1915, 1916. French, with some copies in English.
Les Élégances Parisiennes: Publication Officielle des Industries Françaises de la Mode, 1916-1923. French.
Vogue, 1897, 1917, 1922. Oct-Dec 1961. American. Very few copies online in English without a paywall, but here’s a tiny selection.
La Mode par Fried, 1918-1919. French.
La Guirlande, 1919. French. Umberto Brunelleschi was the art director <3
Le Miroir des Modes, 1919-1920, 1926. French.
Vogue Paris, 1920-1940. Also individual copies w/o paywall of June 1965, December 1965, Spring Collections, March 1966, February 1967, May 1967, May 1968, French.
Art Goût Beauté, 1920-1934. French.
Très Parisien, 1920-1935. French.
​Special editions:
Les Robes du Soir du "Très Parisien," 1921-1922.
Les Tailleurs Nouveaux: Modèles Classiques & Fantaisies, 1921-1922. French.
The American Furrier, 1922. American fur trade journal.
Les Idées Nouvelles de la Mode, 1922-1929. French.
The Modern Priscilla, 1922-1927. American.
Harper's Bazaar, 1924-1925. American.
Falbalas et Fanfreluches: Almanach des Modes Présentes, Passées & Future, 4éme Annee, 1925. French.
La Mode du Jour, 1925-1926. French.
Femmes Seules, 1928. French. Magazine dedicated to single women.
Être Belle, 1930-1938. French hair and beauty magazine.
Excelsior Modes, 1931-1939. French.
Chapeaux d'Été, 1932-1934. French.
Midinette, 1934-1938. French.
La Mode et La Maison, 1936. French.
Marie-Claire, 1937-1945. French weekly women's magazine.
Mode du Jour, 1938-1949. French.
Pour Elle, 1940-1941. French.
Silhouettes, 1940-1945. French.
Album de la mode du Figaro, 1942-1949. French.
La Femme, 1945-1946. French.
Elle Paris, 1945-1949, French.
California Stylist, 1945- 1946. American. Great resource for American sportswear. Not visible on search on for some reason, so apologies for the individual links: July 1945, October 1945, September - December 1946, February 1947.
Katy Keene, 1949-1961. American. Fashion model-themed comic book.
The Californian, 1946-1952. American. San Francisco-based fashion magazine. Another great resource for sportswear. Not labeled on Archive with the right dates, so here are the individual links: February 1946-April 1946 & July 1946, August 1946-January 1947, February-July 1947, August 1947-January 1948, February 1948-June 1948, August 1948-June 1949, August 1949-November 1949 & February-November 1950, Spring 1951-Fall 1952.
Simplicity Fashion Magazine, 1949-1974. American sewing magazine.
Jet Magazine, 1951-2008. American. Weekly magazine of Black culture in America, published by Johnson Publishing. Sister mag to Ebony, so this one also features coverage of the Ebony Fashion Fair, as well as news on Black designers and fashion shows.
Mademoiselle, 1957-2001. American. Another that isn't labeled on Archive, and they've got a whole lot of them, so apologies for the mega-list: Jan-June 1957, Jan-June 1958, July-Dec 1958, Jan-June 1959, July-Dec 1959, Jan-June 1960, July-Dec 1960, Jan-June 1961, July-Dec 1961, Jan-June 1962, July-Dec 1962, Jan-June 1963, July-Dec 1963, July-Dec 1964, July-Dec 1965, Jan-June 1966, July-Dec 1966, Jan-June 1967, July-Dec 1967, Jan-June 1968, July-Dec 1968, Jan-June 1969, July-Dec 1969, Jan-June 1970, Jan - June 1971, July - Dec 1971, Jan-June 1972, July-Dec 1972, Jan-June 1973, July - Dec 1973, Jan-June 1974, July - Dec 1974, July-Dec 1975, Jan-June 1976, July-Dec 1976, Jan-June 1977, July-Dec 1977, Jan-June 1978, July-Dec 1978, Jan - June 1979, July-Dec 1979, and Jan-June 1980. It goes up to 2001 but I have decided there are simply too many for this page. Feel free to email me for the rest.
Ebony, 1959-2008. American. The largest monthly magazine of Black culture in America. Search for "Ebony Fashion Fair" for great fashion coverage.
The Combination, 1964-1978. American. A weekly digest of Black life in Oakland, CA. Great society images of people dressed to the nines to go out on the town. Often featured fashion columns on both womenswear and menswear.
Image Magazine, 1977-1980. American. Another small digest of Black life and society, this time out of Athens, Georgia. Often featured fashion coverage, as well as images of people in fashionable 1970s dress in their daily lives.
En Femme Magazine, 1987-1991. American. Magazine of drag fashions and lifestyle.
Vibe, 1993-2008. American. Black magazine of music and culture, with monthly fashion coverage and celebrity fashion editorials.